Thank You

Refer Birdeye

Your connections gain access to the top-rated customer experience software available. Meanwhile, for every new account you bring on board, you'll receive a $200 Amazon gift card.

About you

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Here’s how it works

  1. Refer someone in your network to Birdeye by filling out the form on the right.
  2. Earn a $200 Amazon gift card for each new account that signs up after a brief 3-month waiting period.

Don’t let your connections settle for second best

The top-rated reputation and customer experience platform for local businesses.

Leader Winter 2024

Terms and Conditions

The $200 Birdeye referral campaign is effective from July 1, 2020. Referrals made prior to this date are not eligible for the reward promotion and cannot be applied retroactively. Please refer to the previous rules for any referrals made before July 1, 2020.

There is no limit to the number of gift cards you can earn, so feel free to refer as many people as you like. However, if you receive gift cards totaling $600 or more in any calendar year, Birdeye is required to report the amount to the ATO as income. Additionally, there is a 3-month waiting period before referees receive their gift cards, which is required for new accounts after onboarding.