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  • e

    Great onboarding experience and two weeks in, starting to see results. Easy process so far.

  • w

    Thanks for being awesome partners

  • p


  • j

    OJ is always efficient and helpful

  • n

    User friendly. Responding to reviews is easy and customer service is very helpful in answering questions. PROS Dashboard is user-friendly and replying to reviews directly or with templates is a breeze. CONS I wish it was compatible with our site software so review requests did not have to be uploaded by hand.

  • p

    We have had a great experience transferring our business to Birdeye. Everyone has been really helpful. Willing to bend over backwards for us. Highly recommend

  • m

    birdeye has a great customer soport team i think is a great tool for my marketing department is basically all that i use to engafe on customer feedback and questions PROS easy to use , easy to integrate other platforms great tool to chat and have all the real time feedback from customers CONS we are not able to communicate ont he negative reviews with customer and offer solutions

  • a

    Birdeye Review PROS The platform is user-friendly which is very beneficial to both the client and us as we help manager their brand. When we run into any issues or have questions, the Birdeye support team is there to help. CONS Issues with Google Website override links not displaying correctly. Otherwise, the platform is great!

  • d

    review request from dpm online reviews PROS reviews and chat with the app to see who asks questions CONS customer service too many emails and too many rep changes as a partner a different rep every so many months REASON FOR CHOOSING BIRDEYE thought the customer service and product offering were better VENDOR RESPONSE Thanks for taking the time to review us! Replied April 2023

  • m

    Support is key and Birdeye gets that. I had a ridiculous stack of software before Birdeye. Now I manage all my clients in one easy to use dashboard. PROS The only software company that didnt hand me off to another account executive once they onboarded me. CONS As much as I love the UI. They could open it up a bit more for customizations REASON FOR CHOOSING BIRDEYE Cost, the ability to turn on and off features and the amazing support and follow up I got during the sales process REASONS FOR SWITCHING TO BIRDEYE Cost, complete software, support and simplified services.

  • m

    Top quality review management PROS We have greatly appreciated the integration with our operating system to send out requests for reviews to better improve our business processes. CONS None so far. We have been satisfied with the function and follow up to address any issues.

  • r

    Great Customer Service! PROS The customer service and reviews have been a big part! CONS It’s very expensive. Everything else is great!

  • o

    Good, until you contact customer service Their platform has its uses, but there are other options with much better customer support and that don't just see you as money. PROS It provides a single page to see various messaging platforms (Facebook, Instagram, SMS, etc.). So, we can see all in one page, instead of having to go to different platforms.The Reviews page is nice. You can link your third-party review pages (Facebook, Google, BBB, etc.) and have one single link that provides the customer the opportunity to review your business in the platform of their choosing. You can also see the amount of reviews you achieved in certain periods (months, quarters, years), and provides you the ability to establish a goal of number of reviews (ex. 25 reviews in a month). CONS The messaging page becomes a cluttering mess if you have multiple users working the messages. You can assign chats to a certain user, but in the main page (where you see all messages) you still get the mess of every chat even if it's already assigned. So, it becomes messy, enough to uninspire you to work with the platform.The mass text messages feature creates a total chaos in the messages window when you start receiving replies. The platform does not provide features to organize your messages.All of our employees decided to use other platforms in order to work because the Birdeye platform was simply too messy.Regarding Birdeye's customer service and support, it's like speaking to a brick wall. They don't value you as a client. When you want to remove a feature because you know you will not use it, they ignore you. When you want to cancel your account, they don't care and force you to be another full year with them. VENDOR RESPONSE Hi Orlando, We appreciate your feedback. If you are ever needing assistance with cancellation, please reach out to me directly at Replied August 2023

  • v

    We've been using Birdeye effectively for upwards of 3 years Love how you can set it and forget it and it will do its job month after month, year after year, reliably. PROS The ease of integration and automation to dental practice management systems for us and our clients is superb. Super simple to install. Customer service has also been superb, they are dedicated to solving problems. CONS The actual interface can sometimes be a bit difficult to navigate. REASON FOR CHOOSING BIRDEYE Multiple features in Birdeye were superior to Swell. Price was better also. REASONS FOR SWITCHING TO BIRDEYE Problems with Reviews not getting published to the Google Profile

  • d

    Great review app. I have the app., now my challenge is to get my salespeople using it. PROS I like the auto-post feature to social networks for reviews CONS I wish the templates were more customizable. Wish it could track reviews sent via email.

  • w

    Review PROS It takes some of the work away from staff (manually sending review requests and cross posting to social media) CONS That it takes 4 separate calls to complete the set up and integration

  • m

    Changes you can see! PROS Automation on review response. Ease of communication with some of the functions like negative reviews. CONS The interface of updating listings. Too much manual updates to do on our own, very dependent on requesting updates. REASONS FOR SWITCHING TO BIRDEYE Cost and automation features. Overall the package from Birdeye made more sense.

  • b

    Birdeye has helped No Time for Social grow our business and remain ahead of our competition We've been with them for several years, and the value you receive is top-notch for this type of service. We have reviewed at least 10 of them over the years and have stayed with Birdeye since they provide great support. PROS One of the best things about Birdeye is the customer service. Our agency rep [sensitive content hidden] has been spot on answering our questions and getting resolutions to any issues we have. He has also been very supportive, providing assets to help us grow.Our clients would most likely not have a review system in place without us bringing a solution to the table, and Birdeye has allowed us to provide this comprehensive solution to help build our client pages on social platforms. CONS There are some small glitches with the connections, but that seems like an issue with a lot of platforms that are using API connections. You have to monitor your connections to make sure everything is still running smoothly. The monthly recap is a great way to identify missing connections but you still need to make sure things are connected properly. REASON FOR CHOOSING BIRDEYE Value and customer service

  • s

    We are loving Birdeye! PROS It's helped streamline our review request process as well as give our clients a way to reach out on chat which has saved us a ton of time and gotten us more sales. CONS Having to create an API to connect to our POS but that's just because our POS is specialized, I don't think that's anything on Birdeye lacking. They've been great throughout the process and will only be better once we're linked.

  • j

    Such an Easy Service Overall, Birdeye makes customer experience tracking very efficient and easy! I would definitely recommend to a friend or colleague! PROS I enjoyed how easy it was to navigate around the site and also interacting with customers was a breeze. CONS I do wish some of the features like viewing the closed cases were a little easier to access.

  • g

    Birdeye helped us expand our reviews and services!! I love Birdeye and their customer service! When I reach a wall, they call meRight away and they are always so polite and their knowledge is huge!! PROS Since we got Birdeye, our google reviews went from 46 to almost 1000 in less than 1 year!!! We LOVE IT!! The ability to text patients, confirm appointments via text etc… changed our practice to the better and saved us hours on the phones!! CONS I I would like the address book to have more fields so we could search lists according to what we are looking to text…. REASON FOR CHOOSING BIRDEYE How easy it is to use VENDOR RESPONSE Amazing results! Thanks for sharing, Guiga! We love to hear you are enjoying Birdeye Appointments! Replied August 2023

  • s

    Birdeye is a wonderful tool that can be used in countless ways to better-reach and better-serve your customers Use Cases and Deployment Scope - We currently use Birdeye in many different ways, but all of the ways could be summed up in the sense that we use it to better connect with our customers on a daily basis and better connect them with the services and special requests, and general questions that they need fulfilled in order to see us as a company that sells an excellence product with excellent customer service. We have regular email ad campaigns that go out to our customers after a job is performed so that they may review us on several different social media sites (Googe and Facebook being a few of them). We also have a live chat option where customers can send us direct messages that our account managers receive and respond to in real-time. Internally we have an entire campaign going where we recognize and reward our customer-facing employees for accomplishing our Mission of WOWING our Customers with remarkable service, and we use Birdeye to track how many reviews are attributed to jobs that they have done or that have occurred at their branches. Birdeye is an absolutely incredible, dynamic, and easy tool to use and we are blessed to have it in our arsenal! Pros - Their customer service is always very helpful and ready to give you the personal attention that you require. -They connect many different sources and funnel them straight to you so you can easily capitalize on multiple platforms and information streams. -They are constantly innovating and improving their systems with real-time feedback from their customers. Cons - The overall chat/email inbox can get out of hand if a user does not take the time to set it up and organize in the first place. -Last I checked, if multiple users are responding to different or the same emails at the same time, or responding to reviews at the same time, the users cannot see what the other is doing. It would be nice to see Birdeye almost like a Spreadsheet and you can see where the other user is working so you both don't respond to the same review etc. -Their Instagram and Social Media presence is slowly growing! I see their posts and they only have a handful of likes, but I see they are trying and I think someday they will get the recognition they deserve. Likelihood to Recommend - Birdeye is incredible at taking various social media sites where people review your business and gathering them together so you can respond to the reviews and also track and analyze the feedback as well. It does all the collecting and heavy lifting for you and makes your customer service communications very easy to manage without a lot of switching costs at all. You may also text message and email your customers through their site and send out coupons, specials, or deals, etc., to them to get feedback and immediate responses. There are also surveys you may send out and NPS data collection. They even added a bill pay feature so that customers may pay you digitally through Birdeye. If you do not have a lot of customers or getting and tracking online reviews is not a high priority for you (it should be!), then Birdeye might not be as helpful for you. Although I can think of lots of ways it can be helpful to any company. Return on Investment - Positive - our Facebook and Google Reviews are through the roof -Positive - if a customer has an issue or a misunderstanding, they will direct message us rather than automatically leaving a bad review -Positive - employee engagement is up because we can recognize individuals who has positive customer feedback from their performance Alternatives Considered - I have not explored any other options when it comes to the kind of work that Birdeye performs for us. Other Software Used - OneNote, Microsoft Teams, PayScale MarketPay Support Rating - Everyone is always very nice and eager to help you achieve clarity and overcome and obstacles. Usability - Super usable! You can explore on your own and figure it out easily enough, or you can ask for help from their customer service tea, and they will certainly take the time to show you all the features and ways you can use it to innovate your processes.

  • i

    Manage your online presence with this tool PROS Amazing dashboard to manage your business locations to monitor the reviews and respond them on time. Great way to address any customer grievances and collect feedback CONS Customer service needs some improvement to address few bigs regarding delay in response to reviews

  • t

    Birdeye is smooth and quick, Sunny was amazing in answering all questions!

  • a

    A Bird's Eye View on Birdeye! Use Cases and Deployment Scope - At RED RHINO, we utilize Birdeye as a review platform, generally speaking. We track customers' text messages, emails, etc., all with the goal of getting a customer's perspective on how we are doing as a company in terms of quality, service, and product. This may or may not include our partners as well. Pros - It sends email reminders. -Analytic tools are great! -Their customer service is great, whenever we run into problems, we can reach out and always receive the help we need. Cons - Integration -Improving account management -Improving Notifications and Admin settings Likelihood to Recommend - We receive updates, and they always provide great improvements for user experience. I tend to see an upward slope in the way Birdeye is being used by our company. There is always room for improvement but without getting super nit-picky, Birdeye does a great job at fulfilling the needs of our company. Return on Investment - Better conversations on how to improve as a company -Improve communications with customers and partners -Organized data Alternatives Considered - Not applicable, we have only used Birdeye, to my knowledge. Support Rating - I have not used any other system so I can't really compare it to other products. I am satisfied with Birdeye, so I have not needed to look elsewhere. Usability - Depends on the savviness and the relationship with technology. It varies from employee to employee, but overall it is typically very friendly, especially after completing some training.