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We're #1 but don't take our word for it. See what businesses say about us.


7471 reviews

73 reviews have no rating

910 reviews
38 reviews
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  • b

    It was an easy process to set up thanks to the great support team and so far it's been a nice asset

  • f


  • r

    Has really made requesting reviews super easy! And getting good responses.

  • s

    Very happy with our BirdEye experience. It has been a tremendous help in gathering reviews and getting us more "online" presence.

  • j

    We are happy with Birdeye.

  • s

    Really easy to maneuver .

  • a

    Easy and very informative

  • c

    Birdeye has been amazing for our company. Chris helped get our company set up in Spring of 2017. We had a total of 75 reviews over all platforms over 10 years and a lousy 3.5 rating. Since Birdeye we have received almost an additional 600 reviews in less than 2 years and our rating is up to 4.7 across all platforms. We get customers calling us now based on our reviews alone. Thank you Birdeye!

  • s

    I really like the results I have had!

  • m

    It has been fantastic. You have tripled my reviews in just a few months. Overall a great experience.

  • m

    wonderful product! Easy to use...

  • j

    Great ROI

  • c

    Very helpful for getting reviews

  • c

    Its been a great investment for our private practice. It does not overwhelm the patients with multiple text messages.

  • w

    Great for reviews.

  • s

    Great! Thank you Love the fact that I can reach Dr Tau and he is responsive.

  • d

    great way of collecting pt reviews on Google. Wish they could do that for Yelp too

  • d

    Great experience has really helped grow our online reviews.

  • d

    I've had tons of new reviews. Rarely does a patient complain about being asked to review us. We get most of our new patients because of our reviews. I'm very happy. Thank you!

  • n

    Easy to use, prompt in set up and following up with patients

  • n

    Every time we have had an issues the team has been responsive and always a big help!

  • m

    It has been very good

  • h

    Easy to use, provides a great platform for responding to all reviews.

  • s

    Bird Eye helps us engage with our patient's & prompt them to tell everyone about their experience at our office. This has helped generate more patient's who found us by our reviews! Thank you Bird Eye!

  • c

    A Professional and proactive company!