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  • b

    BirdEye has definitely helped my online presence and brought me more business every month.

  • m

  • j

  • j

    Excellent investment for our office. We went from 10 reviews to almost 200 reviews! Because of our high number of Google reviews, our new patient flow has increased drastically.

  • k

    We found your software easy to use. Our favorite connection with Birdeye is Len who helped us get educated and signed up with Birdeye. We have a 5 Star rating now and everything Len said this company would do for us came true. Thank you!!

  • h

    Our office has had great experience with Birdeye software, easy to use for both employees and clients, highly recommended.

  • m

  • r

  • s

    Love BirdEye! We get feedback from our patients in a timely manner, we can respond directly to the patient with a phone call if needed. It really is a great tool.

  • d

    They have been great to work with : )

  • s

  • s

  • e

    Great customer service. Once set-up, easy to use and takes little effort from the practice. 179 reviews in last 12 months, 4.9 rating

  • n

    I like the software but every few months the software shuts off and there isn't a manager or anyone that keeps on eye on our account which is super super frustrating so I have to call in every few months to see what's going on.

  • m

  • s

  • m

    Birdeye helped our business grow. Thank you!

  • d

  • c

    Birdeye has been a fantastic company to work with. I am having wonderful results with review requests. Thank you Birdeye !

  • p

  • c

  • e

    Seeing positive results since i started using them approximately 1 month ago. Helps to counter the occasional neutral or negative by obtaining more positive reviews. Also, i had a person complain and instead of leaving a negative review her negative comment was sent to me where we dealt with the problem.

  • b

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  • b