Jan 08, 2018
Monitor your growth with the "Birdeye Effect"
NewBusinesses can now gauge Birdeye's effect at increasing their reviews on third-party sources. This feature allows you to view your progress for up to three sources of your choice.Birdeye now makes available a section that allows you to view review distribution for up to three sources of your choice. Here, you will be able to view 'Birdeye Effect' and 'Before Birdeye' review counts on these sources.
'Birdeye Effect' will display the reviews and ratings for the source after you partnered with Birdeye. 'Before Birdeye' will show the reviews and ratings for the source before you partnered with Birdeye.
Placed on the first page as you login into your Birdeye account, you can change the selected three sources and add the one that is relevant to keep a track of. To learn more about this feature, read this help center article.